Friday, April 07, 2006

Remember Comics?

They're making a comeback.

This one goes out to J-Fucksy. I auctioned off a comic for charity this winter. The deal was that if you bid the highest, you'd get a comic about you.

We can't all be Mia and get them for free.

Or actually, Muindi, next week.

-- Anticipation?


Unknown said...

Matt. I liked the new comic. I laughed out loud. Which is rare, for me. Because I have trouble exhibiting human emotion.

But picturing the love scene beween John Hurt and the Gastrointestinal Alien has always made me smile.

I want a comic about Me. And it's just uhh...Me doing Me kind of stuff. That would really appeal to my taste.

Anonymous said...

yep. mia is pretty dang cool.....
